Some fields in the form are either missing or contains errors. Please review the form and make the necessary changes before submitting again.
Booking Variation Request Form
Email Address
{{ vvErrors.first('email') }}
{{ errors.email[0] }}
Parent Name*
{{ vvErrors.first('parent_name') }}
{{ errors.parent_name[0] }}
Child's Name*
{{ vvErrors.first('child_name') }}
{{ errors.child_name[0] }}
Abuk's Family Day Care, Deer Park
Achol Family Day Care, Narre Warren South
Adau Dut's Family Day Care Kangaroo Flat
Agok's Family Day Care Clyde North
Ajah Family Day Care
Akog family Day care, pakenham
Akoi Family Day Care Tarneit
Akur Family Day Care
Alek's Family Day Care Sunshine West
Amna's Family Day Care Fawkner
Amuor's Family Day Care Cranbourne North
Angor's Family Day Care Tarneit
Awan Family Day Care, Kurunjang
Ayen family day care Wyndham Vale
Blossoms Family Daycare Ferntree Gully
Bright Stars Family Day Care, Wantirna
BumbleBee Family Day Care
Cozy Starts FDC
Creative Minds Family Day Care Doncaster East
Creative Play & Learning Family Day Care
Daisy Family Day Care Mooroolbark
Daruka Family Day Care, Cobblebank
Dawn till Dusk Family Day Care Shepparton
Delphine Family Day Care
Doongalla Family Day Care Croydon
Down That Little Lane Family Day Care Yarraville
Duop Family day care Wyndham Vale
Elizabeth's FDC, Cranbourne North
Elnaz Family Day Care
Fantastic family Day Care
Favour Family Daycare Truganina
Fawkner Family Day Care
Ferheen Family Day Care Fawkner
Fifi's Little Humans Family Day care
Giggle and Learn Family Day Care
Gowar family daycare
Happy Cubs Family Daycare Meadow Heights
Happy Family day care,Melton South
Happy Hearts family day care
Happy Kids Family Day Care, Harkness
Harmony Family daycare Elphinstone
Hawdon St. Family Day Care
Holistic Phoenixes Children's Education Centre Pty Ltd.
Imma Family Day care, Albanvale
Joy Family Day Care, Weir View
Juuk Family Day care
Kirstie's FamilyKinderCare
Learn and Play Family Day Care Fawkner
Lei's Family Day Care Beaumaris
Lida's Family Day Care Doncaster
Little Blossoms Fdc, South Morang
Love Family Day Care, Shepperton
MJ Family Day Care, Wyndham Vale
Make and Do Family Day Care
Makur Family Day care
Mandy's Family Day Care
Martha’s Family Day Truganina
Mary Doot Family Day Care
Mary's family day Care, Brookfield
Marzieh Family Day Care Canterbury
Melissa's Family Day Care
Mina's Family Day Care Balwyn North
Mount Martha Family Day Care
Noelene's Nest Family Day Care Shepparton
Nyaboth's Family Day Care, Point Cook
Nyantet Family Day Care
Playful Pals Family Day Care
Pomelo Family Day Care, Terneit
Precious Family Day Care, Melton South
Quy's Family Day Care Balwyn
Rabecca’s FDC , Cranbourne East
Rainbow Family Day Care, Mernda
Rising Stars Family Day Care Tarneit
Roya's family day Care , Clyde North
Sammii’s koala family day care, kialla
Skyla family day care Albanvale
Skypac Family Day Care
Sunshine Family Day Care, Mooroolbark
Sweetie Family Day Care, Greensborough
Taza family Day Care, Bendigo
The Burrow Family Day Care Monbulk
Thryve Family Day Care, Croydon
Tiny Steps Family Day Care,Templestowe Lower
Toothless Tikes Family Day Care Yarra Glen
Viewbank Shining Stars
Walesa Family Daycare, Wyndham Vale
Yar's family day care Truganina
Yellow Family Dyacare
{{ vvErrors.first('educator') }}
{{ errors.educator[0] }}
Some fields in the form are either missing or contains errors. Please review the form and make the necessary changes before submitting again.
Educator : {{ educatorData.name }}
Standard Hourly Rate
${{ educatorData.standard_hourly_rate }} AUD
Day Rate
${{ educatorData.day_rate }} AUD
The above rates are used to determine the cost of your booking. Unless there is a casual booking you will be charged for the full session. The full session rate is calculated by multiples of the 'standard hourly' rate. All rates are subject to CCS entitlements. To estimate your entitlements visit the Australian Government Family Child Care Subsidy Estimator.
All fees are paid 2 weeks in advance. This is not a bond and is not refundable. It is a point in time pre payment to confirm your booking arrangement 2 weeks in advance. When cancelling your care, please provide 2 weeks notice so as to utilise the prepaid days in your booking.
All bookings are subject to our fees agreement and conditions.
Remove Permanent Booking
This section relates to removing currently booked permanent hours for your child. The selected permanent bookings will be removed from your child's schedule from the selected dates below.Please note that 2 weeks notice is required to remove a permanent booking.
Remove the following permanent bookings that I currently have scheduled for my child:
Please note that you are required to provide 2 weeks notice to remove permanent bookings.
Please indicate the date of effect for the removal of these booking(s)
{{ errors.removeStart[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('removeStart') }}
Add Permanent Booking
This section relates to adding permanent booked hours for your child. The booking will take effect from the given date and will continue until further notice.Please note that you prepay 2 weeks advance bookings.
My additional permanent booking will appear as follows:*
Please note that minimum bookings hours below will apply unless you have negotiated extended hours. If you wish to extend the below hours you need to complete below and email your extension request to info@igniteminds.com.au
Please indicate the date of effect for these additional booking(s)
{{ errors.permanentStart[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('permanentStart') }}
Some fields in the form are either missing or contains errors. Please review the form and make the necessary changes before submitting again.
Educator : {{ educatorData.name }}
Casual Hourly Rate
${{ educatorData.casual_hourly_rate }} AUD
The above rates are used to determine the cost of your booking. Unless there is a casual booking you will be charged for the full session. The full session rate is calculated by multiples of the 'standard hourly' rate. All rates are subject to CCS entitlements. To estimate your entitlements visit the Australian Government Family Child Care Subsidy Estimator.
All fees are paid 2 weeks in advance. This is not a bond and is not refundable. It is a point in time pre payment to confirm your booking arrangement 2 weeks in advance. When cancelling your care, please provide 2 weeks notice so as to utilise the prepaid days in your booking.
All bookings are subject to our fees agreement and conditions.
Casual Booking
This section represents a single casual booking.
My Child Requires*
Please select the date and time for this casual booking
{{ errors.casualStart[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('casualStart') }}
Estimated Rate: ${{ getRate(casualHoursStart, casualHoursEnd, educatorData.casual_hourly_rate, null) }} AUD Note: Casual bookings need to be confirmed with your educator at least one day in advance
Some fields in the form are either missing or contains errors. Please review the form and make the necessary changes before submitting again.
Educator : {{ educatorData.name }}
Standard Hourly Rate
${{ educatorData.standard_hourly_rate }} AUD
The above rates are used to determine the cost of your booking. Unless there is a casual booking you will be charged for the full session. The full session rate is calculated by multiples of the 'standard hourly' rate. All rates are subject to CCS entitlements. To estimate your entitlements visit the Australian Government Family Child Care Subsidy Estimator.
All fees are paid 2 weeks in advance. This is not a bond and is not refundable. It is a point in time pre payment to confirm your booking arrangement 2 weeks in advance. When cancelling your care, please provide 2 weeks notice so as to utilise the prepaid days in your booking.
All bookings are subject to our fees agreement and conditions.
Vary Permanent Booking for School Holidays
This section represents a variation of your permanent booking during school holidays. This booking overrides your current permanent booking for the duration specified below.
Please select the start date for this holiday booking
{{ errors.holidayStart[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('holidayStart') }}
Please select the end date for this holiday booking
{{ errors.holidayEnd[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('holidayEnd') }}
Some fields in the form are either missing or contains errors. Please review the form and make the necessary changes before submitting again.
Please review the form you are about to submit and check it for accuracy. You may press back to make changes before submitting.
Your Input
{{ email }}
Your Name
{{ parent_name }}
Child's Name
{{ child_name }}
{{ educatorData.name }}
Options Selected
{{ isCheckboxSelected('1', variation_type) ? 'Remove Permanent Booking, ' : '' }}
{{ isCheckboxSelected('2', variation_type) ? 'Add Permanent Booking, ' : '' }}
{{ isCheckboxSelected('3', variation_type) ? 'Add Casual Booking ' : '' }}
Permanent Bookings to Remove
Full Day Care ({{ educatorData.full_day_care_start }} - {{ educatorData.full_day_care_end }}) Days to Remove
{{ removeFdcDays.join(', ') }}
Before School Care ({{ educatorData.before_school_care_start }} - {{ educatorData.before_school_care_end }}) Days to Remove
{{ removeBscDays.join(', ') }}
After School Care ({{ educatorData.after_school_care_start }} - {{ educatorData.after_school_care_end }}) Days to Remove
{{ removeAscDays.join(', ') }}
Date of Effect for Removal of Booking(s)
{{ removeStart }}
Permanent Bookings to Add
Full Day Care ({{ educatorData.full_day_care_start }} - {{ educatorData.full_day_care_end }}) Days to Add
{{ permanentFdcDays.join(', ') }}
Full Day Care Rate
${{ educatorData.day_rate }} AUD
Before School Care ({{ educatorData.before_school_care_start }} - {{ educatorData.before_school_care_end }}) Days to Add
{{ permanentBscDays.join(', ') }}
Before School Care Rate
${{ getRate(educatorData.before_school_care_start, educatorData.before_school_care_end, educatorData.standard_hourly_rate) }} AUD
After School Care ({{ educatorData.after_school_care_start }} - {{ educatorData.after_school_care_end }}) Days to Add
{{ permanentAscDays.join(', ') }}
After School Care Rate
${{ getRate(educatorData.after_school_care_start, educatorData.after_school_care_end, educatorData.standard_hourly_rate) }} AUD
Date of Effect for Additional Booking(s)
{{ permanentStart }}
Make Casual Booking
Date and Time for Casual Booking
{{ casualStart }} {{ casualHoursStart }} - {{ casualHoursEnd }}
Casual Booking Rate
${{ getRate(casualHoursStart, casualHoursEnd, educatorData.casual_hourly_rate) }} AUD
Vary Permanent Booking for School Holidays
For the date range specified below, school holiday bookings will override your current permanent bookings.
Holiday Booking Start Date
{{ holidayStart }}
Holiday Booking End Date
{{ holidayEnd }}
Holiday Booking Days
{{ holidayBookingDays.join(', ') }}
{{ day.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + day.slice(1) }} Hours
{{ holidayHours[day].start + ' - ' + holidayHours[day].end }}
{{ day.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + day.slice(1) }} Rate
${{ getRate(holidayHours[day].start, holidayHours[day].end, educatorData.standard_hourly_rate) }} AUD
I understand that this variation in booking will impact my regular direct debit or credit card payments
{{ isCheckboxSelected('1', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
I understand my obligation to provide 2 weeks notice when removing a permanent booking.
{{ isCheckboxSelected('2', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
I understand that when I add a booking within my 2 week prepaid period, any additional days (past and future) will be added to my next bill.
{{ isCheckboxSelected('3', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
I acknowledge my responsibility to ensure enough funds to service my Direct Debit or Credit Card payment method.
{{ isCheckboxSelected('4', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
I will get a copy of this submitted form emailed to me and will check for accuracy and notify the office if inaccurate.
{{ isCheckboxSelected('5', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
I understand that this is a booking request and will need to be confirmed by Ignite Minds prior to taking effect.
{{ isCheckboxSelected('6', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
I understand that to avoid unexpected charges I must attend care on my first and last booked day. The Australian Government will not pay Child Care Subsidy for absences on my first or last day of care which will result in additional charges to me.
{{ isCheckboxSelected('7', variationPolicy) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}