
Complaints together with other feedback including compliments, suggestions or concerns are treated as opportunities for reflection on practice and improvement.


Ignite Minds complaints handling must:

  • focus on children and their safety needs
  • Respond to breaches of Ignite Minds code of conduct
  • be able to handle all kinds of complaints and concerns, including alleged abuse by adults and by children
  • be easily understood by all, including families with diverse languages and backgrounds
  • be easy to find, and include who to speak to
  • support investigations
  • help the service learn from their mistakes and feed into the continuous improvement process.


Complaints may be general in nature or relate to particular personnel, a part of the Scheme, a policy, a decision, or an aspect of service delivery. Complaints may be made by parents and families, school age children, members of the community, and Service personnel in their capacity as private citizens. 


Where complaints are of a serious nature, as described in regulation 105, namely regarding the compromising of the safety or well being of any child, the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Education must be notified within 24 hours.




Ignite Minds practices include:


  • Strong commitment to handling complaints throughout the Service and this commitment is an integral part of our broader client focus. Complaints are viewed positively and all complaints are treated seriously
  • Fairness – All complaints should be treated equally, all information relevant to the case must be taken into account, the process must be transparent at all stages, and all parties must be treated with respect and courtesy and be protected from reprisals and victimisation. Families making complaints must trust that their concerns will be addressed without any disadvantage to their child/ren.
  • Confidentiality – all aspects of the complaints handling process must ensure respect for the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals involved except where superseded by legislation or regulations.
  • Accessibility – the Service encourages feedback about its service and publicises the existence of the complaints system in its handbooks. 
  • Responsiveness – complaints are resolved as quickly as possible and preferably at the level where the concern originated. All complaints are acknowledged and parties to the complaint are regularly informed of progress. Appropriate forms of redress are provided where warranted.
  • Complaints are everyone’s responsibility – all Staff and Educators, not just Senior Management, are responsible for handling complaints, and as far as possible, have the authority to do so.
  • Accountability – all complaints and their outcomes will be recorded to ensure accountability on individual complaints and to enable analysis of and reporting on complaint patterns and trends.
  • Review – the complaints management process will be regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness. 

Who can a complaint be made to?

Resolution of complaints at the local level is always encouraged. In the first instance therefore potential complainants are encouraged to address their concerns informally with local Service personnel, who were directly involved with the issue or concern that has led to the complaint. For example, a parent who has a concern with the behaviour of a Educator will be encouraged to discuss the matter with the Educator in the first instance. 


If the matter cannot be resolved in this way, a complaint can be formally made and referred to the Manager of the Scheme. However, if the complaint concerns the Manager of the Scheme, then the complaint should be referred directly to Ujjval Goble the Executive Director of Ignite Minds FDC.

If you have concerns about a child's wellbeing or hold a belief that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer abuse or harm then you must report this to Child Protection.  

Where a crime has been committed you must report to Victoria Police

All complaints should be reported to Ignite Minds via our contact page


Informal Complaints


  1. Verbal complaints relating to Educators, Co-ordination Unit, children's needs and/or other areas may be made to the Manager and depending on the nature of the complaint, will be addressed accordingly.


Formal Complaints

  1. All formal complaints must be made in writing, signed and directed to the Manager or senior Coordinator of Ignite Minds. Families have the right to complain directly to DEECD  either in writing or via telephone.
  2. Complaints will be treated as confidential.
  3. All complaints will be investigated by authorised personnel.
  4. The complainant will be interviewed if necessary. If interviewed, the complainant can bring a support person to this meeting. Management may also request an Independent Mediator.
  5. Both parties (i.e. complainant and authorised personnel) must sign the interview records and both parties will be informed of the outcome in writing.
  6. Any complaints about the service will be dealt with by the Manager in consultation with a representative of Ignite Minds. This system will be reviewed on its effectiveness as the complaints arise.
  7. All  formal complaints regarding the care and education of children within Ignite Minds will be reported to DEECD within 24 hours of receipt.
  8. All complaints that lead to the belief that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer abuse or harm will be reported to child protection
  9. All complaints that involve credible allegations of abuse or harm will be reported to Victoria Police and Commission for Children and Young People.



Ignite Minds Family Day Care will always ask the following questions  when dealing with complaints:

  • How can we learn from this complaint?
  • What needs to happen to ensure procedural fairness with complaints handling?
  • Who needs to be communicated with about this complaint?
  • What are the follow up actions?
  • Who is responsible to ensure that actions are followed up?

How is feedback encouraged?


Ignite Minds Family Day Care Service  encourages feedback in a number of ways, both formal and informal. 


Feedback is sought using a variety of methods including a complaints form, feedback surveys, interviews with parents, monthly contact with Educators and exit interviews with parents. In addition, feedback is routinely sought in conversations with parents and Educators.


The Service actively promotes a positive attitude to complaints amongst its personnel. 


How can a complaint be made?

Both verbal and written complaints are accepted. A complaints form is used to record complaints, whether formal or informal.


Who can make a complaint?

Complaints can be made by parents and families, school age children, members of the community, and staff and educators in their capacity as private citizens.

What does the Service do when it receives a complaint? 

All complaints, whether verbal or written, are formally acknowledged within 5 working days. Complainants will be informed of the stages involved in investigating their complaint and wherever possible realistic timeframes will be communicated to them. Follow up is important and complainants will be informed of the progress of their complaint. Open and honest communication is essential even when there is little or no new information to report. Complaints must be handled as quickly as possible in order to avoid the complaint escalating and becoming more serious.


Personnel about whom a complaint is made will be informed about the complaint and have the opportunity to respond. In addition, they will be informed of their right to seek assistance from a support person. They will also be regularly informed as to the progress of the complaint.


Following resolution of the complaint and implementation of any changes required, a review date will be arranged to review progress. 


If the complaint cannot be resolved by the ServiceManager, it will be referred to the Manager of Family and Children’s Services. Following this stage, if the matter is still unresolved an independent mediator may be involved if requested by either party to the complaint.


If following this process, the complaint is still unable to be resolved, the complainant may choose to access an external organisation to seek resolution. For example, any complaints that relate to licensing could be referred to the DEECD. Any matter relating to the quality of service delivery could be referred to the National Quality Framework.



All concerns and complaints, whether formal or informal, are recorded on the complaints form. All communication with parties to the complaint will be carefully recorded, particularly if communication takes place by telephone or in person. The outcome of each complaint will also be clearly recorded.


The Regulatory Authority will be notified via their it system within 24 hours.


The report will clearly document if there is a belief of physical or sexual abuse occurring


A complaints chart with links to further information will be displayed at each approved residence


All files concerning complaints are stored in a secure fashion in order to preserve confidentiality.



In line with quality assurance processes, the complaints management system is reviewed every 12 months to ensure its continued effectiveness. The Service Manager is responsible for this process. Complaints will be monitored and their management evaluated in order to identify systemic or recurring issues and make appropriate improvements.




  • DEECD website – Family Day Care- Health and Welfare – dealing with complaints. Downloaded April 21st 2010