Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct applies to Management Committee, members and staff, Contracted Educators, Assistants and support staff.


We will abide by the following principles as part of our professional conduct:


Maintain and respect each individual’s right to privacy and confidentiality.

Information regarding the families and children's needs will be shared between the Educator and Coordination team in the best interest of the child.

Information regarding families' needs will be shared with community only with the family’s permission, except in child protection matters.

Acceptable Behaviour

  • Upholding our commitment to child safety and following our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 
  • Treating children and families in our community with respect 
  • Listening and responding to the views and concerns of children and families
  • Promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children, 
  • Ensuring, as far as practicable, that adults are not alone with children
  • Reporting any allegations of child abuse or other child safety concerns 
  • If child abuse is suspected, ensuring as quickly as possible that the student(s) are safe and protected

Unacceptable Behaviour

  • Ignore or disregard concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse
  • Develop a relationship with a child that could be seen as favouritism or amount to ‘grooming’ behaviour
  • Display behaviours or engage with children in ways that are not justified by the educational or professional context 
  • Ignore an adult’s overly familiar or inappropriate behaviour towards a child
  • Communicate directly with a child through personal or private contact channels  
  • Have contact with any child outside of FDC hours except when needed to deliver the learning program.

Conflict of Interest

Individuals must maintain their professional integrity by recognising and reporting potential conflicts of interest, for example:

  • financial gain,
  • personal knowledge that may compromise the integrity of either party, and
  • relationship gain.

Fair and respectful behaviour

  • Communicate honestly and openly.
  • Have access to a grievance procedure.
  • Value each person's point of view.
  • Welcome diversity and engage in inclusive practice.
  • Ignite Minds has a zero tolerance to racism and expects that staff and volunteers will act on incidents of racism.

In relation to children

  • Ignite Minds is responsible for providing a healthy, nurturing and responsive setting which is both safe and challenging according to their educational needs and interests.
  • Ignite Minds has clear expectations regarding the behaviour of staff and volunteers with children in order to promote and maintain child safety and wellbeing


In appreciation of the special vulnerability of the child our practices will acknowledge the rights of each child and will include the child's rights to:  

  • A voice
  • Dignity and respect
  • Participation
  • Quality experiences whilst in care
  • Be a child
  • Learn through play.

We are committed to respecting and supporting:

  • all children as individuals with their own individual cultural, social and family backgrounds;
  • the development of the whole child across all areas; and
  • the competence of each child.

In relation to families

  • Acknowledge and value the uniqueness and diversity of families including cultural and religious beliefs and child rearing values.
  • Acknowledge the rights of each family to confidentiality, privacy, information and participation.
  • Assist families to exercise freedom of choice in accessing quality Family Day Care.
  • Inform families of policies and procedures that relate to all aspects of their participation with the Scheme.
  • Be accountable to families by adhering to legislative requirements regulating children's services.
  • Be conscious of the key relationships that exist in the work environment and ensure that professional boundaries are maintained.

In relation to colleagues

  • Recognise and respect the dignity and rights of the individual and conduct myself in a professional manner.
  • Practice open and effective communication.
  • Be fair and consistent in decision making within a cooperative framework.
  • Recognise and observe boundaries that support professional relationships.
  • Be accountable in my work relationships and value each individual and their contribution.

In relation to self as a professional

  • Be committed to the principles of honesty, respect, trust and integrity that underpin all of my professional practice.
  • Demonstrate and be committed to reflective practices that encompass an awareness of my strengths, limitations and well-being.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to my professional development, knowledge and skills.
  • Own and promote a vision that is child focused and congruent with current best practices.

In relation to community

  • Acknowledge the role of community in setting community standards and articulating community needs.
  • Be responsible to the community by:
    • liaison and with cooperation with agencies and professions which support children and families,
    • engaging in culturally appropriate and non-discriminatory practices,
    • actively promote the service in the wider community, and
    • work within the legislative framework and quality assurance process to promote the wellbeing of children.
  • Develop and sustain services which are characterised by:
    • Openness
    • Accountability
    • Accessibility
    • Flexibility
    • Professionalism
  • Support community education and advocacy for children.

In relation to high risk activities

Ignite Minds consideres the following to be high risk activities

  • Excursions
  • Transport via vehicle
  • Monitoring of household residence and visitors to ensure they are fit and proper persons to be around children
  • Dropping off and collection from school and other non FDC residences
  • Activities such as cooking, crafting and gardening that utilise heat, sharp or heavy equipment.
  • Online environments including the collection of personal information and sharing of photos.

Ignite Minds has developed risk assessments and risk management strategies for all high risk activities to keep children safe in physical and online environments.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct

These shall be dealt with in a manner according to the individual involved and the sevarity of the incident.  Ignite Minds will ensure that all people are fit and proper to be in contact with children.

A person who lacks a proper appreciation or awareness of their responsibilities and does not discharge their obligations appropriately is unlikely to be fit and proper person in the context of family day care educator.  The honesty and integrity demonstrated in carrying out and meeting these legal and ethical requirements is important and speaks to the core of a Family Day Care educators character.


Whether a person is fit and proper is best assessed through consideration of their past conduct; specifically whether improper conduct has occurred, whether it is likely to reoccur, and whether it is an indication of possible future conduct. 


Ignite Minds will identify the relevant matter and characterise it as either an isolated incident or whether it its an indication of an ongoing character defect relevant to the practise as an Early Childhood Educator such as, but not limited to:

  1. Disregard for, and/or non-compliance with the law and legal obligations and the resulting implications or consequences;
  2. Lack of professionalism and disregard for standards of good practice, competency and workmanship in both technical and administrative aspects of carrying out work as an Early Childhood Educator
  3. Dishonesty and lack of integrity in dealing with Ignite Minds or others
  4. Lack of courtesy and disrespect in dealing with other Educators, clients and consumers and others within the industry; and/or
  5. Conduct that will likely undermine trust of consumers and presents a risk to consumers and the reputation of the industry 

We will utilise a restorative justice approach.  Continued breaches will not be tolerated and may lead to termination of contract or exclusion from service.


Family Day Care Association Victoria

Ignite Minds Management

Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics (2006).