Ignite Minds Professional Development 8th October 2020


PD session Thursday 8th October - online 6pm till 8pm.

All educators are required to attend.


We will have a 10 minute break in the middle.





From October 1 2020 the National Regulations have been modified to provide more clarity on expectations around excursions and travel.


The department has put out an information sheet that can be accessed here.  Please read the information sheet and review Ignite Minds risk assessment template and identify any areas that will require further update.  By comparing the information sheet with Ignite Minds excursion template you can prepare for some of the discussion on how to improve our current processes.  I am mindful that any improvements should not create unnecessary burdens on educators so I am keen to hear practical ideas and contribute to practical solutions.


The department has put out the following templates to assist providers maintain compliance.  Please have a look at these templates as it will give you an idea of the sorts of detail the department is expecting.


Ignite Minds educator portal

I am keen to hear from you on the sorts of services that you would like to see developed.

Introduction of our development perspective - from compliance framework to competency and capacity.


New Home Safety Assessment process.  

  • Ujjval to provide feedback on how Ignite Minds is processing this information and how it informs an educator's risk profile.
  • Open discussion: How do educators feel about the process, does it add value/ improve your service?  Can we do it differently?

Covid-safe working environments

Ignite Minds has recommenced regular site visits.  Ujjval will provide feedback on some of the observations and recommendations cropping up.

  • How has COVID impacted on educators ability to make education plans
  • How as COVID impacted on the household with husbands and older children working and studying from home?
  • Has COVID reduced the physical space available for children?
  • How do we plan for 2 years of COVID safety measures?
  • Are your housemates responsible?
  • Can you advocate for FDC within your household?
  • Are you insisting on parents/guardians wearing masks
  • Is your outdoor system for sign in/ out sustainable?
  • Have you removed difficult to clean toys and resources?
  • Are you keeping to your hygiene rituals?
  • Are you taking time to share in happiness and relax?