Ignite Minds business returning to capacity

Ignite Minds is returning to business as normal
I am pleased to be reporting that we continue to offer free childcare and Ignite Minds has now implemented a strategy to bring Educator incomes to within 90% of the pre pandemic income levels as we prepare for a return of the Child Care Subsidy system on the 29th June.
Schools have reopened, parks have reopened, and from next week we will see private gatherings permitted for up to 20 people.  This is all really positive and signals that it is ok to leave the home.
Yesterday I sent my prep daughter back to school with mixed feelings of hope and anxiety.  I am incredibly hopeful and grateful that we (a community of caring adults) have managed to reduce the threat of coronavirus to such low levels.  I am anxious because it is clear that our lives will be in this pandemic mindset for some time to come.
I am learning to live and hope and relax under these new conditions.
The best analogy I have heard is that of the 'hammer and the dance'. We have just experienced the hammer; 1.2 million job losses, strict social distancing, isolation and fear.  Now we are entering the phase of the dance; a phased opening up of the economy and all the hope this brings.  This is a dance because we have to protect the systems that are in place to reduce the spread of the virus or we risk the 'hammer' coming back upon us.

Latest advice is extremely positive - we should all take a time to celebrate this achievement.

The latest information on the restrictions issued by the Victorian Government is available from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website.

Ignite Minds is returning to capacity.

If you have enjoyed a permanent place with Ignite Minds you will appreciate how difficult it has been to get a childcare place.  Dont expect this place to be there if you dont tell us your plans.

If you are intending to return to care now is the time to let us know.  The department has reported a 30% increased uptake in childcare places this past fortnight and we expect this demand to continue to be strong as the remaining school children return in June.

Now is the time to let us know your intentions.

If you have not attended care for more than 2 weeks you need to tell us if you are returning.  If you are expecting to hold your place you need to discuss your intentions with your educator and complete the booking form below.  


Priority of places will be given to the following people

  • Priority 1: a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
  • Priority 2: a child of a single parent or parents who satisfy the work/training/study test under Section 14 of the 'A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999'
  • Priority 3: a child of a health professional helping with the COVID-19 outbreak, including aged care providers, pathology providers and healthcare managers
  • Priority 4: a child of an essential working parent / parents
  • Priority 5: any other child

The free childcare system remains in place till the 28th June.  From the 29th June your usual CCS rate will apply.  It is important to remember that you are only eligible for 61 days subsidised Absences (exended from 41) and if you have used all these prior the 28th June this will impact on the cost of childcare.

Pick up and drop off

Out of an abundance of caution we are requesting parents continue to drop off and collect children from the front door.  Whilst it may feel strange for example, 'why is it ok for my child to attend service but not me?' we are asking for your continued understanding.  This policy is about reducing risk.  Adults who go shopping, attend workplaces and interact with other adults present greater risk of inadvrtantly passing COVID-19 to the service. 

If you or your family members or children have symptoms of COVID-19 you must notify Ignite Minds and exclude your child from care until tested.

Ignite Minds educators will continue to follow increased hygiene procedures.

Ignite Minds has established

What are the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

The symptoms to watch out for are:

  • Fever
  • Chills or sweats
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Loss of sense of smell 

In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may also be considered.

To get further advice, call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398, your local doctor or use DHHS online self-assessment tool.