Business Continuity Payment Calculator

KEEP CHILDCARE fees MEANS TESTED. Families that continue to earn an income should pay a fee proportionate to their income.


On the 1st April Scott Morrison announced that all childcare would be free from Monday 6th April. THIS IS A LIE. More accurately, Mr Morrison announced that he was going to take your Educators money to pay for your childcare levies.  MANY educators will lose as much as 70% of their income.


Childcare workers are on the frontline in this war against COVID19. They are being asked to risk their lives every day to stay open to support the children of essential workers. Any minister that supports a policy that takes money from frontline soldiers in this war on COVID19 is un-Australian.


From Monday your educators income will be capped at $5.55 per hour minus your FDC service fees.


This policy is not targeted, appropriate or equitable. It is a poorly thought out reaction to gain popularity amongst working families.


Whilst many families are being affected financially by COVID 19 - many families continue to earn an income. Ignite Minds will be talking to our local ministers to ensure childcare remains means tested. Families that continue to earn an income should pay a fee proportionate to their income.


Please see below calculator to work out the financial impacts of this announcement.  Once you have entered the information required based on your fortnight statement prior to March 1st please select the 'Generate Letter Template' button.  This will populate a template letter for you to send to your local Member.



Scott Morrison has recalled parliament sometime next week (probably Wednesday) to pass the new stimulus package including the Early Childhood Education and Care Relief package.  

This package cannot be passed unopposed.  Please make sure your local member knows the personal impact this will have on you


Please see use this link to find the contact details of your local member.


Please also write to your local State Member.


Please email them and ring them to ensure they get your letter.  Please consider CC'ing Family Day Care Australia on so they are aware of your circumstances.


IMPORTANT:  The letter template is a word document.  On mac this will download a table that is all bunched up on the left.  Please click and drag the table to allign properly.  You wont be able to read without doing this. You can view a copy of this letter here


The below calculations are indicative only - based on our best guess based on the available information.


BCP Calculator

Enter details for the fortnight statement (Monday 17th February 2020 - Sunday 1st March 2020)

Total fees (CCS + Parent Contribution) for the fortnight (Monday 17th February 2020 - Sunday 1st March 2020) {{ vvErrors.first('total_fees') }} {{ errors.total_fees[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('service_fees') }} {{ errors.service_fees[0] }}
{{ vvErrors.first('total_hours') }} {{ errors.total_hours[0] }}
Hourly Rate: ${{ hourlyRate }}
Net Income for the fortnight prior to Sunday 1st March, 2020


50% of total fees or 50% of $11.10 x total hours, whichever is lower
Expected payment post April 6

JobKeeper Payment $1500.00 per fortnight (Only if variance greater than 30%)