Authorised Worker permit / eligibility for childcare

From 11:59pm on 23 August, authorised workers can only access childcare, kindergarten and early education centres (and take a child to a centre) with a valid authorised worker permit.

Most working Australians will be an authorised worker even if not authorised to work from the office.  If you are on the list and working from home you are still eligible for a childcare permit without a work permit.  In this case your employer would fill out the childcare section (example below) and leave the authorised worksite premises blank

If you meet any of the above conditions you must get your employer to sign your permit.  

If you previously had a worker permit this is no longer valid.  You need to download a new permit and get your employer to sign it.  If you are self employed/sole contractor you can sign both the employer and employee sections of the form.

There are 3 reasons why you may be eligible to access childcare.

  1. You cannot work from home, or
  2. If no supervision is available at home, or
  3. for a vulnerable child.

Vulnerable children do not need a permit.  Ignite Minds will automatically consider the following children vulnerable:

  • Family Violence
  • Disability impacting parents capacity to care for child
  • Additional Child Care Subsidy reciepient'
  • other child protection matter

If you believe your child should be condisered vulnerable but does not meet the above then you need to call us on 90361504.

You must show your permit to your educator when you sign your child in.  You will not be able to leave your child without a permit.


Parent Invoices

Ignite Minds will waive all gap fees for

  • families that cannot get a permit
  • are directed to isolate  by chief health officer (close contact, explosure site, or testing)

All familes that can get a childcare permit will continued to be charged 2 weeks in advance for their permanent booking,. 

How to complete the permit

If eligible, please ensure you complete the childcare section correctly and include the name and address of your Family Day Care educator. 

Download the permit

Further Information