If Attendance Records are submitted after the due date/time 9:00AM every Monday, your payments will not be made until the following pay run.
Follow the below checklist to ensure your payment is made on time:
Ensure timesheets have been scanned correctly, so they are clear and not blurry
Signatures from parents must be written on timesheet, along with arrival and pick up times
Check your emails on Mondays to see if it’s been approved or rejected - If it’s been rejected, you must fix the issue and re-submit. If you don’t check your email and it’s been rejected, your payment will not be made.
If you cannot read it, we can’t either! Ensure the writing on all documents is legible
Do not amend your booked hours - Parents must submit a booking variation form before you submit your timesheet
- Have a casual booking? Complete a Casual Attendance Record and submit it. If you don't tell us about your casual bookings, we will not know when they attend.
If you have any Attendance Record issues, you can call Awak on Tuesdays to Friday or Ujjval Monday - Friday